Very good condition - everything is fully functional without any damage. We drove the car before dismantling - everything worked without any complaints until the very end. Comes from a car with an ORIGINAL mileage of 17,354 miles = 28,460 km
We have many more parts for this car, which are available on our other offers
Used and original part!
brand FORD F150 2.7 3.5 V6 BITURBO - PETROLproduced in the years 2014-2020, our car was from 2018, part number: JL3H-19972-GE
The part is stored in a clean and warm warehouse, so it does not lose quality due to weather conditions
Comes from a legal source - with proof of purchase
Quality of parts (according to GVO)
Q - original with the logo of the parts manufacturer (OEM, OES)
I had been searching for a specific part for my car for weeks, but Air Ducts Auto Parts found it in no time! Their service was fast, reliable, and the part was in excellent condition. Highly recommended!
Alexander Gaitano
I can't say enough good things about Air Ducts Auto Parts. Their professional team guided me through the process of finding the right part for my vehicle. The quality of the part exceeded my expectations, and their support was exceptional. I highly recommend their services!
Mario Bono
I had been searching for a specific part for my car for weeks, but Air Ducts Auto Parts found it in no time! Their service was fast, reliable, and the part was in excellent condition. Highly recommended!