ATTENTION - before buying, check the compatibility of the part number from the offer with the number you need. Listed car models are assigned auxiliaryly.
If you have doubts whether this part fits your vehicle, we will try to explain it and help. We do not check the matching of parts by VIN number!
I am asking for thoughtful shopping. You are buying the goods you see in the photos. These are used parts, so their appearance will never be like brand new parts.
The car parts displayed in our offers come from the dismantling of cars from abroad. We have various parts for sale for many models.
All our PACKAGES ARE INSURED! We try to make the price of shipments as attractive as possible for our customers. You have a wide choice of carriers.
Check the condition of the package at the Courier - if it is damaged during transport, be sure to draw up a complaint protocol.
If you are satisfied with the transaction, give us 5 stars in the ratings. Each such assessment raises the level of our services. Thank you!
Quality of parts (according to GVO)
O - original with the logo of the vehicle manufacturer (OE)
I had been searching for a specific part for my car for weeks, but Air Ducts Auto Parts found it in no time! Their service was fast, reliable, and the part was in excellent condition. Highly recommended!
Alexander Gaitano
I can't say enough good things about Air Ducts Auto Parts. Their professional team guided me through the process of finding the right part for my vehicle. The quality of the part exceeded my expectations, and their support was exceptional. I highly recommend their services!
Mario Bono
I had been searching for a specific part for my car for weeks, but Air Ducts Auto Parts found it in no time! Their service was fast, reliable, and the part was in excellent condition. Highly recommended!